Revealing an image of Gumayusi makes fans worried about "the future being like Faker"
LOL01-04 13:03

A familiar action by Gumayusi could signal a future like Faker.

Gumayusi is showing that he can be Faker 2.0

At the present time, it can be said that Gumayusi is the number 1 ADC in the world. Not only is he playing for the greatest team in League of Legends history, but Gumayusi is also the second ADC in the entire length of the game to win the World Championship twice. In addition, for many T1 fans, Gumayusi is also the future of the team and the one who can inherit Faker's throne.

Gumayusi is considered to inherit Faker's visual at T1 in the future

However, besides having the same talent and confidence as his "uncle" in his youth, Gumayusi also seems to be preparing to follow the same path as Faker but in a negative direction. Specifically, many fans discovered that Gumayusi's habit of using the A + spacing key combo is really harmful to the hands.

The audience also discovered that Gumayusi also has the habit of using injury-prone keys similar to Faker's "floating wrist" every time he plays games.

Gumayusi's familiar actions can pose many potential risks, easily resembling Faker's

According to some gamers, Gumayusi's "spam A" habit is very difficult to imitate. A normal person can only do it for a short time before their hands begin to get tired. Over here, Gumayusi used it throughout the entire match, with the highest level of concentration and tension that was very different from normal ranking or training. And there are many Gumayusi matches that last up to 5 games.

Gumayusi himself once admitted that he had hand pain

Because Faker himself maintained the habit of using the keys in a "floating wrist" style for almost his entire career, he suffered a serious injury. In Summer 2023, he had to take a break from playing for a while. And according to Faker, he had to change his habits to save his career.

Of course, in terms of title or greatness, Gumayusi can hardly compare with his close elder. But for League of Legends and T1 alone, Gumayusi has been and will be able to "succeed" Faker. This is also what T1 is building around this Gunner born in 2002.

Many viewers are concerned that Gumayusi will be seriously injured in the future due to his "spam A" habit.

Gumayusi's "spam A" technique is quite harmful

But Gumayusi himself must also maintain his best condition. His playing habits are showing effectiveness, but this player himself and T1 must also consider the future.