Fng could become the new captain of Virtus.pro
DOTA207-01 20:09
Georgy “Dramer” Faleev, who is expected to take over as sports director for Virtus.pro's DOTA division in place of Fng, recently posed for a photo with Artyom “Fng” Barshak and called him the team's new captain. squad.
He captioned the photo with the following statement:
"I'm sitting with the new captain of the new Dota VP squad."
After this post, the reaction from the community was somewhat mixed. Part of the community believes that this is not fake, but is actually true that Mr. Dramer will return and will likely bring Fng back, as he has done well in his previous jobs. Meanwhile, some others think this is just a joke, because neither Dramer nor Fng will be rehired by Virtus.pro.
As mentioned earlier, Fng and the organization have yet to comment on these bold claims, leaving the possibility that this is just a joke. Vladimir “Maelstorm” Kuzminov has also previously said that Dramer returning to the team is possible, as he is a valuable asset to the club.
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