GAM failed against FNC and there is really no way back for the VCS representative.
GAM made an "unforgivable" mistake
The match against Fnatic can be considered one of GAM Esports' last opportunities. If they win, they will have at least 2 more matches (including possibly 1 BO3 match) to maintain hope of moving on to the Quarterfinals of World Championship 2024. But if they lose, GAM will only have 1 match left. Fight again to save yourself. FNC is also a team that has a lot of debt with GAM. But in a BO1 match and GAM is almost at the wall, no one can say anything. It's just that, while holding the advantage, GAM "shot itself in the foot".
GAM was expected to win against FNC but in the end they lost
According to SofM's analysis while watching GAM's match, this team made an extremely fatal mistake. They chose Kai'Sa and Smolder - the latter is an extremely hardcore champion. Along with that is Jax to be able to face at least a tie with Gnar on FNC's side. However, instead of accepting that Kiaya might lose the lane, GAM still puts resources into Kiaya as a usual habit.
SofM believes that GAM made a mistake by using Kai'Sa but not roaming thoroughly and putting resources on Jax while Kai'Sa and Smolder were not given enough space.
In the first few minutes, GAM also performed a roam. But after only 5 minutes, when EasyLove had not yet had time to completely suppress Gnar, GAM changed back to the way it was before, letting Kai'Sa return to the Bottom Lane. Even though a champion like Kai'Sa is still long-armed, it's difficult for him to lane with Ziggs. GAM may have a very strong Kiaya because of the resources, but when Smolder and Kai'Sa are harmless, these two generals are no different from soldiers. GAM also doesn't have any really strong champions to act as shields, leading to the subsequent losing fights which is completely understandable.
It had only been about 5 minutes and FNC had not yet lost any armor when GAM immediately pushed Kiaya back to Top Lane.
GAM's playing style is affected by harmful habits
Perhaps everyone understands that GAM's gameplay in recent years has revolved around the Jungle - Top Lane axis. A lucky thing for GAM is that they own Kiaya who is in extremely high form and skills. But when GAM even chose a hard carry champion for EasyLove, they also "forgot" how to put resources into EasyLove. Kiaya's strong Jax is not sure to help GAM win, but if Smolder - Kai'Sa completely loses to the opponent, GAM has failed.
GAM has not shown that they are less dependent on Kiaya's skills and performance
At the present time, GAM only has 1 last chance. The VCS champion will still have the trust of the home crowd, but they must prepare themselves mentally and perform the best they can to save themselves.