Former teammate SofM revealed complex emotional drama, accused of manipulating and taking advantage of
LOL03/28 20:43

LPL players often involved in love dramas and recently, a former SOFM teammate was called.

SOFM's former teammate continued to be accused

Since Suning has made a sudden victory at Worlds 2020, this team is as well as "coming out of light". Only thing, SofM and his teammates have their own paths later. Among these, only Bin is really successful as a player. But another name is also mentioned a lot, Huanfeng. Only thing, the former gunner SN is often associated with the dramas in the backstage.

Huanfeng was involved in a new love drama.

A few years ago, he was abused by his ex -girlfriend and even joked about quitting the drinks of SN teammates. However, recently, he continued to be "peeled" a series of new love dramas. Even, it is accused of "catching many hands" and showing signs of psychological manipulation.

Specifically, according to some information, from 2022 - 2025, Huanfeng has passed with 4 different girls, including 1 fan from Korea. Worth mentioning, he still has a lover during that time. Huanfeng told the girls he was still single, taking the cat's cat to increase the "prestige".

SofM's former teammate was accused of deceiving his girlfriend, back and forth and solicited 4 girls at the same time using a girl's cat to increase "prestige".

Of these, there was a fan from Korea and when his girlfriend wanted to expose him, Huanfeng was constantly begged but still not apologizing.

When his lover tried to stop the relationship and expose everything, Huanfeng was constantly begged. However, it is interesting that SN's gunner has absolutely no apology for his other half.

The LPL fan community does not understand its players, not just SofM's teammates

When the incident was exposed, many viewers regularly watched LPL also expressed confusion. Because up to now, many players of this area are involved in love dramas. Even the superstars are very respected as Xiaohu, Knight ... have been "peeled off" by their ex.

Many LPL superstars have been involved in emotional dramas.

For his part, Huanfeng remained silent until now. Since SN's success, Huanfeng has been one of the most cheating players. And this drama, another black spot in the career of the player who used to make the miracles in his home country of China 5 years ago.