Dota 2 updated version 7.38: Wet map, Roshan returned to the river and many new changes
DOTA202/19 21:47

Forests are now flooded, Roshan returns to the river, new neutral items and many other changes!

Dota 2 has just released the latest 7.38 update, called "Wandering Waters", even during the Dreamleague Season 25. This update brings major changes in the map, location of Roshan cave, the same same Many other important adjustments.

Read on to know the biggest changes in the update 7.38: 

New and more wet map

The biggest change of the game is the new map, there are more water areas. If before, the river divided the Radiant and Dire factions, now, in the forest of both sides, there are small streams, the most prominent are two streams running in parallel with Safe Lane.

These streams have a clear flow, helping the champion move faster if running after the water. However, running upstream will not slow down the movement speed.

New Roshan cave location

In addition to the new water system, many important locations on the map are also moved or adjusted. The most notable change is the Roshan cave position.

The two Roshan cave now returned to the river, after being pushed to the two far corners of the map in the previous updates. They are located near two positions that appear Power Rune.

Roshan always appears in the southern cave at the beginning of the match. During the day, Roshan will start moving to the rest of the cave, and if any unit blocks the road, it will throw them away when crossing the water.

Other target locations and new neutral creeps

The Tormentor, the Aghanim’s Shard reward for the player, will now appear in one of the two different positions at the far corners of the map, where Roshan cave used to lie. Tormentor will always appear on the opposite side of Roshan, starting from 15:00 minutes, and when destroyed, it will provide a wide -healing aura.

Wisdom Rune has been replaced with Shrine of Wisdom, and with Lotus Pool, now asks the player to stand inside to activate. If an enemy unit stands near, the activation will be prevented. With the appearance of new water streams, a new class of neutral amphibian monster has been added. They will appear at the three new Flooded Camps beaches along the streams in each forest.

New neutral item mechanism

Each neutral item now changes the next major in the game is a new mechanism of neutral equipment. In the previous update, the farming of neutral forest monsters at specific times will cause them to fall into the neutral tokens, allowing players to activate to choose a neutral equipment as they wish.

In version 7.38, when cleaning a forest monster beach, the player will receive a new resource called Madstone. Specifically, players finish the monster beach will receive two Madstone, while a random team will receive a Madstone. The accumulation of Madstone is now a way to make neutral equipment, and each neutral equipment will be made up of two components: Artifact and Enchantment.

Artifact determines the main skills or effects of the equipment, while Enchantment provides passive indicators or attributes. Whenever manufacturing neutral equipment, players can arbitrarily combine the artifact and enchantment available to create a equipment that best suits their needs.

Like the previous versions, neutral equipment is still divided into five levels, can be manufactured at different times in the match. The creation of a neutral equipment level one requirements Madstone, while the rest of all levels need ten Madstone for each equipment.

Other updates

In addition to the important changes above, version 7.38 also brings some improvements in experience quality, along with some adjustments in equipment and champions in the game. The new General Ringmaster has been officially added to the Captains mode mode. Some generals also received major changes in Facets, including Arc Warden, Chaos Knight, Crystal Maiden, Dawnbreaker, Invoker, Jakiro, Kez, Lifestealer, Magnus, Marci, Mirana, Ringmaster, Windranger and Winter Wyvern.
